Awarding ceremony, Work appreciating stroll, Get-acquainted reception

左から、産経新聞社 佐藤崇史氏、エジプト・アラブ共和国大使館 ヒシャム・バドル大使、在日カンボジア王国大使館 プー・ソティレアッ大使、荒川明照会長、中華人民共和国中日本国大使館 公使参次官 張愛平氏。
(From left)Takashi Sato, Sankei shimbun Co.,Ltd., H.E. Ambassador Hisham Badr, Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Japan, H.E. Ambassador Pou Sothirak, Royal Embassy of Cambodia in Japan, Akiteru Arakawa, Chairman of Organizing Committee, Aiping Zhang, Minister-Counsellor, Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Japan.

Akiteru Arakawa, Chairman of Organizing Committee, addressing Participants.

High school art teachers and students attend the awarding ceremony.

エジプト・アラブ共和国大使館 ヒシャム・バドル大使から、受賞者にはメダルが授与されました。
Award recipients received medals from H.E. Ambassador Hisham Bade, Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Japan.

Recipients received their awards from Akiteru Arakawa, Chairman of the Organizing Committee.

Taking commemorative photographs with high school students who won group awards.

With the attendance of high school students from overseas,students are having a pleasant chat.

Akiteru Arakawa,Chairman of Organizing Committee,commenting on exhibited work.

High school art teachers and students from all over the country attend the opening ceremony.