Awarding ceremony

展覧会最終日の7月8日、午前11 時から表彰式が行われました。会場は、美術館隣の建物、政策研究大学院大学内の想海楼ホールです。高校生とご父兄、先生方を含む約500名の方が集まり、日本の高校生の上位入賞者と、各国から出品された高校生の優秀作品が表彰されました。
On the last day of the exhibition, July 8th, the awarding ceremony took place from 11 o'clock. It was held in the Soukairou Hall within the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, which is right next to the Art Center.
All together, about 500 people took part, including high school students,their parents and teachers, and there, Japanese top award winners and excellent works by students from abroad were given awards.

First, there was a word from the Organizing Committee Chairman and the Chairman of IFAC, Haruhisa Handa, gave a speech. After talking about the 3 prominent features of thisArt Festival, he encouraged everyone by saying "There are some people who wonder whether they would be able to make a living in the future or not. but, there is no need to worry about such a thing. In the Japanese society, we can do well,somehow. Put aside those worries, keep your dreams up high and make your talents bloom to its fullest.

Then, 13 high school students from Japan (1 absent) who won the best 7 awards,including the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award in the calligraphy section and the fine arts section, went up on stage. After that, students invited from 12 overseas countries went up on stage to receive the awards.
Aoi Maenosono (Fukuoka Prefectural Dazaifu High School) who won the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science Technology Award in the Calligraphy Section, Kenya Yoshida (Aomori Prefectural Aomori Toyama High School) who won the Minister of Education,Culture, Sports, Science Technology Award in the Fine Arts Division,and 12 students invited from abroad gave a speech of appreciation and joy.

Aoi Maenosono who copied "Empress Komyo's Gakkiron" spoke of her feelings toward her work with humor, "I was very much attracted to this work and started to copy it 2 yearsago. When I heard that I won an award, I kept on sweating in a weird way. Right now, Iam sweating in a weird way again, speaking in front of you like this. I think this proves how much emotional I am right now. (Her work that won the award is on page 70.)

Yoshida, who used sculpture and ceramics to depict the figure of a whale emerging from the sea surface, talked about his strong feelings toward his fellow club members,his high school and his future. He said, "Aomori Toyama High School, my school, will be gone this spring, after an consolidation. All the club members have been working hard as a team, hoping to achieve success at the end. I am so happy that the ideal expression for me has been highly evaluated. The acorn shell made of ceramics was created withan image of Mt. Fuji. I want to become the No. 1 glass craftsman in Japan." (The work ison page 30)
All the speeches made by the award winners from abroad were in English.

アイルランド代表 アレクサンドラ・フダリさん
Aleksandra Fudali,
representing Ireland

イギリス代表 ジョー・リカートさん
Jo Rickart, representing UnitedKingdom

シンガポール代表 マリエル・チー・ウェイ・リンさん
Mariel Chee Wei Lin,
representing Singapore

イスラエル代表 メンスィル・マンゲストさん
Mensilu Mangesto,
representing Israel

Yu Xiaomo,representing China

Wildan Ahmad Furqon,
representing Indonesia

Nguyen Quang Huy,representing Vietnam

エジプト代表 メナタラ・イブラヒム・アハメッド・アリ・メトワリさん
Menatallah Ibrahim Ahmed Aly Metwally,representing Egypt

Pang Shi Han,representing Malaysia

Soeung Sarlita,
representing Cambodia

Wut Yi Htwe,
representing Myanmar

Khavy Xaypanya,
representing Lao PDR

Wildan brought a lot of excitement to the audience with his yoyo performance
When Aleksandra Fudali, representing Ireland, sang the song which caused a great sensation during the bus tour the previous day, everyone who was talking stopped and listened raptly to her voice. Then, the Organizing Committee Chairman, Haruhisa Handa, who is also an operasinger, sang the Irish folk song "Danny Boy" in English in answer to her song. This incident made the atmosphere of the ceremony even more relaxing. Also, Wildan Ahmad Furqon, representing Indonesia, who loves Doraemon, exhibited his wonderful hyper yoyo performance. There was a round of applause from the audience. He exhibited his bold and humorous performance which was quite different from his sensitive work.