今年は、国内の高校生から、1万186件(書道部門8,191 点、美術部門1,995 点)の応募が寄せられ、うち379点が入賞。さらに、海外12カ国(アイルランド・イギリス・イスラエル・インドネシア・エジプト・カンボジア・シンガポール・中国・ベトナム・マレーシア・ミャンマー・ラオス)の作品60点が、展示作品として選出されました。
会期中は8,725 名が来場し、大盛況のうちに閉幕しました。
From June 28th to July 8th of 2012, the 13th International High School Arts Festival (sponsor by International High School Arts Festival Organizing Committee) was held at the National Art Center, Tokyo, in Roppongi. Many high school students participated from various countries, and it had become a place for the students to deepen international exchange, through events such as the opening ceremony, the awarding ceremony and the international exchange tour. This year, of the 10,186 works submitted (calligraphy section : 8,191, fine arts section : 1,995) by the Japanese high school students, 379 won awards. In addition, 60 pieces from 12 foreign countries (Ireland, the United Kingdom, Israel, Indonesia, Egypt, Cambodia, Singapore, China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Myanmar, Laos) were chosen to go on exhibit. The Festival attracted 8,725 visitors, and closed after a great success.

Chairman Arakawa commenting on the exhibited works.

Judge Higashira commenting on the exhibited works.

Mr. Seichi Kondo, Commissioner of Cultural Affairs, having a
pleasant talk with the United Kingdom representative, Jo Rickart.

図録の裏面に書かれた寄せ書き Collection of autographs on the back of the pictorial record.