オープニング・セレモニー 6月28日
Opening ceremony on June 28th
On July 28th, Opening Ceremony was held at The National Art Center, Tokyo and about 150 people and guests took part.
Kenya Yoshida and Nonoka Tateyama took part in this ceremony, representing all the high school students. Kenya Yoshida had a great achievement of receiving the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award and Nonoka Tateyama, the Chairman's Prize. Furthermore, 3 other students from their school received Special Recommendation.
In fact, Aomori Toyama High School will close at the end of this year, and the challenge to this Art Festival was the last chance for the school's art club. Because works submitted to the High School Art Festival is judged purely by the works, the name of the school does not affect in the judgment. Even so, the fact that this high school was able to win many awards proves that the students' strong feelings were enclosed in their works. When this
story was told during the opening ceremony, there was warm applause from the people present to the 2 students.
衆議院議員 安倍晋三氏がお祝いに駆けつけて下さいました。そして「この美術展は、高校生に早いうちから自分の才能に気付かせ、世界の才能と触れ合う機会も与えている。本当に、素晴らしいものです」という、勇気の出るご祝辞を頂きました。現内閣総理大臣。
Member of the House of Representatives, Shinzo Abe, rushed into the ceremony and said that this Art Festival is wonderful in that it provides students a chance to realize their talent from an early age and to come in contact with talents worldwide. This is a word of praise that should give courage to the students. The present Prime Minister
IFAC 名誉会長であり、多くの大臣を歴任された、亀井静香氏もお越し下さいました。亀井氏も、油絵を描かれます。「芸術は、子どもの時から、その才能を開かせる努力をさせないと、埋もれてしまう。この美術展から、将来、日本の芸術界をしょって立つ人が現れることを期待します」と、皆を激励して下さったのです。
The Honorary Chairman, Shizuka Kamei, who has served as ministers of various departments, also came to the ceremony. Mr. Kamei draws oil paintings himself. He encouraged everyone by saying "Art if something that should be cultivated from an early age. Otherwise the talent will just get buried. I expect that people that can lead the art world in Japan will emerge from this Art Festival."
元文部大臣であり、IFAC 顧問を努める鳩山邦夫氏は、「素晴らしい作品ばかりで驚いています。同じくこの国立新美術館で開催されている、エルミタージュ美術展より、高校生国際美術展の作品の方が、凄いかもしれない」と述べられました。高校生にとって、大変励みになるお言葉です。
The former Minister of Education and IFAC's special advisor Kunio
Hatoyama said "I am so surprised to see that all of the works are so wonderful. They may even be better than the works exhibited at the The State Hermitage Museum Collections which is being held now in this same National Art Center, Tokyo." His words should be a great encouragement for the high school students.
衆議院議員 下村博文氏もご参列下さり、「高校生たちがこの美術展を目指し、それぞれ独創性を生かした作品を製作し、能力を開花させています。高校生国際美術展は、高校生に夢を与える素晴らしい機会です」とお話し下さいました。現文部科学大臣。
Member of the House of Representatives, Hakubun Shimomura, took part as well and said "Students'potential and talents are being unfolded by aiming to take part in this Art Festival and creating works that
are full of originality. It is a wonderful event that gives a dream to high school students." The present Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
The curator of the Tintoy Museum, Mr. Teruhisa Kitahara, became one of the judge members from this year. He said passionately "Art is culture and peace. We have to properly evaluate the talent of the young."