Awarding ceremony
日本の上位受賞者 Japanese top award winners

- ●文部科学大臣賞
Minister of Education, Culture,
Science and Technology Award - 中央授与者:近藤誠一文化庁長官
左 書の部:前之園葵さん(福岡県立太宰府高等学校)
右 美術の部:吉田謙也君(青森県立青森戸山高等学校)
Center award presenter : Mr. Seichi Kondo,
Commissioner of Cultural Affairs
Left : Calligraphy : Aoi Maenosono
(Fukuoka Prefectural Dazaifu High School)
Right : Fine Arts : Kenya Yoshida
(Aomori Prefectural Aomori Toyama High School)

- ●外務大臣賞
Foreign Minister Award - 中央授与者:村田直樹外務省広報文化交流部長
左 美術の部:脇本紗紀さん(潤徳女子高等学校)
右 書の部:野口貴博君(埼玉県立松山高等学校)
Center award presenter : Mr. Naoki Murata,
Director-General of the Public Diplomacy
Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Left : Fine Arts : Saki Wakimoto
(Juntoku Girls' High School)
Right : Calligraphy : Takahiro Noguchi
(Saitama Prefectural Matsuyama High School)

- ●東京都知事賞
Tokyo Metropolitan Governor Award - 中央授与者:古賀俊昭東京都議会議員
左 書の部:田北美森さん(大分高等学校)
右 美術の部:井上敦司君(福岡県立博多青松高等学校)
Center award presenter : Mr. Toshiaki Koga,
Member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly
Left : Calligraphy : Mimori Takita
(Oita High School)
Right : Fine Arts : Atsushi Inoue
(Fukuoka Prefectural Hakata Seisho High School)

- ●高校生国際美術展会長賞
International High School Arts
Festival Chairman's Prize - 中央授与者:荒川明照会長
左 書の部:高橋睦実さん(埼玉県立大宮光陵高等学校)
右 美術の部:山野々香さん(青森県立青森戸山高等学校)
Center award presenter : Chairman Akiteru Arakawa
Left : Calligraphy : Mutsumi Takahashi
(Saitama Prefectural Omiya Koryo High School)
Right : Fine Arts : Nonoka Tateyama(Aomori Prefectural Aomori Toyama High School)

- ●高校生国際美術展実行委員長賞
International High School Arts
Festival Organizing Committee
Chairman's Prize - 右 授与者:半田晴久実行委員長
左 書の部:関俊久君(埼玉県立大宮光陵高等学校)
Right : award presenter : Organizing Committee
Chairman Haruhisa Handa
Left : Calligraphy : Seki Toshihisa
(Saitama Prefectural Omiya Koryo High School)

- ●産経新聞社賞
SANKEI SHIMBUN Award - 中央授与者:関田伸雄企画事業局局長
左 書の部:永田千晶さん(佐賀県立伊万里高等学校)
右 美術の部:鍋川実里さん(大分県立芸術緑丘高等学校)
Center award presenter : Mr. Nobuo Sekita, Manager,
Planning Business Division
Left : Calligraphy : Chiaki Nagata
(Saga Prefectural Imari High School)
Right : Fine Arts : Minori Nabekawa
(Oita Prefectural Midorigaoka High School of Arts)

- ●日刊スポーツ新聞社賞
NIKKAN SPORTS NEWS Award - 右 授与者:村上智広報事業部長
左 美術の部:岩永悠さん(愛知県立愛知工業高等学校)
Right : award presenter : Mr. Satoshi Murakami, The
Nikkan Sports News, Director of Public Relations
Left : Fine Arts : Haruka Iwanaga
(Aichi Prefectural Aichi Technical High School)
海外代表アーティスト Artists from overseas

Representative artist of Lao PDR, Khavy Xaypanya and Mr.Bounneme Chouanghom, Charge d'Affaires, the Embassy of the Lao People's Democratic Republic in Japan

Representative artist of Ireland, Aleksandra Fudali and Mr. Donal
Kennelly, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Ireland in Japan

Representative artist of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Nguyen Quang Huy and Ms. Nguyen Phuong Hong, Minister Counsellor,
Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Japan

Representative artist of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Menatallah
Ibrahim Ahmed Aly Metwally and Dr. Meselhy Ragab Meselhy Zayed,
Cultural Cousellor, Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Japan

Representative artist of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Soeung Sarlita and Mr. Iem Puthviro, Counsellor, Royal Embassy of Cambodia in Japan

Representative artist of Israel, Mensilu Mangesto and Mr. Nir Turk, Cultural and Science Affairs, Embassy of Israel in Japan

Representative artist of the Republic of Indonesia, Wildan Ahmad Furqon and Mr. Iqbal Djawad, Head of Education and Culture Section, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Japan

Representative artist of the Republic of Singapore, Mariel
Chee Wei Lin and Ms. Lee Ning Sung, First Secretary,Embassy of the Republic of Singapore in Japan

Representative artist of the People's Republic of China, Yu
Xiaomo and Hasibagen, First Secretary, Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Japan

Representative artist of the Republic of Union of Myanmar,Wut Yi Htwe and Ms. Khin Mar Thi, Third Secretary,Embassy of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar in Japan

Representative artist of Malaysia, Pang Shi Han and Honorary Chairman Shinichiro Kurimoto

Representative artist of the United Kingdom, Jo Rickart and Mr. Michael Thundercliffe, Deputy Director English Language Services of the "British Council"
学校賞 School Award

Oita High School, the recipient of the "School of Honorable Mention Award" for Calligraphy.
個人賞 Individual Award